Tag Archives: author interviews

Author Interview on Writers Alive – Families and Fiction

Discussing Box of Rain with John Byck on his podcast made me realize just how much family is an underlying theme in the book.

Debra R. Borys

John Byck from WritersAlive.com  was one of the first people to interview me when Painted Black was published, so I was glad of an opportunity to revisit his podcast ansd talk about Box of Rain and the Street Stories series.

We also discuss the writing process, and the issues of homelessness and families.  I hope you enjoy.

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Box of Rain Showcase, Part 2

Part two of the Showcase by Author Dayna Leigh Cheser which complements the review of Box of Rain posted earlier.

Debra R. Borys

DaynesiteI  almost forgot to post a link to part two of the Showcase of Box of Rain, which is an interview of me by Author Dayna Leigh Cheser.  Here’s one question you might not have heard before, but click through to read the rest and see what new information you might find.

How do you choose names for your characters?

Main character names are just a matter of brainstorming until I find something that feels right. The one exception to that is Christopher Robert Young, from ‘Painted Black’. I actually decided on the name before I knew my character very well. I’d met a young artist with name at a folk music concert once and since I was toying with the idea of having my main street kid be a graffiti artist, I thought it was perfect that the young man’s initials are CRY. So that is Chris’s street…

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Here is my interview with Fiona Mcvie

From the interview linked below:

“I’m excited to announce that my third Street Stories suspense novel, Box of Rain, will be released as an ebook on December 15. Right now, in fact, it is available to pre-order on Amazon.com. I expect the print version to be available by spring of 2015. The series is about throw-away kids striving to survive on the streets of Chicago, and a reporter who is the only one willing to help them when they get in a jam. Box of Rain is the story of two cousins who grew up in pretty much the same circumstances, but one turns to violence to try to rise up from the ghetto and the other chooses education. When one of them finds a decapitated corpse in an alley dumpster, reporter Jo Sullivan steps in to try to find out why all the evidence seems to point to the kid least likely to have committed the crime.”



Name:Debra R. Borys

Where are you from: LaSalle Illinois in the U.S.

A little about yourself `ie your education family life etc.

I just moved back to the small town I was raised in after over fifteen years of living in Chicago and Seattle.  I miss the bustle and opportunities the big city has to offer, but since I couldn’t convince my family to move to me, I came back to them.  I have two sons, one of whom just got married.  They had the ceremony in Greece where his wife’s family is from so I was able to visit that wonderful country with my mother, sister and both sons. I recently took a part-time job at a library because, you know, what better job could a writer have than either a library or a bookstore?

Fiona: Tell us your latest news?

I’m excited to announce that my third

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